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Almost half of Halton Hills municipal election votes cast online

Local voter turnout remained low though at below 30 per cent
Election signs dot the green spaces in Acton.

It’s the first time online voting was an option for local residents, and apparently they liked it.

According to the Town, 49 per cent, or 6,491 of the 13, 209 votes cast in the municipal election that culminated last night were submitted online between Oct. 7 and 22.

Halton Hills joined 216 other municipalities across Ontario in offering either an online or phone method of voting - up from 175 four years ago.

But despite the popularity of the new method, overall voter turnout remained low, with only 28.09 per cent of the 47,008 eligible voters in Halton Hills exercising their democratic right.

This is down slightly from 29.42 per cent in 2018, at a time when there were 43,211 eligible voters.

The new town council will be inaugurated on Nov. 21.


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