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MEET YOUR CANDIDATE: Lewis supports balanced, managed growth

The current Ward 2 councillor said if elected as mayor, he also wants to modernize Town regulations and processes to eliminate hardships on businesses and residents
060722 Bryan Lewis MH
Ward 2 Councillor and mayoral candidate Bryan Lewis.

HaltonHillsToday is profiling every candidate in the upcoming municipal election. Up next - candidates running for mayor.

As election day quickly approaches, mayoral contender Bryan Lewis says he’s ready to do what it takes to ensure Halton Healthcare (HHC) has the land it would need for a new Georgetown Hospital.

The longtime councillor is looking to move from his post in Ward 2 to the top seat on council, going up against four others for the job.

With HHC indicating it would require about 45 acres of land to build a new Georgetown Hospital, one of Lewis' priorities is ensuring the vital institution finds the property it needs within Halton Hills.

“This is a real concern, and it’s something we all care about,” he said. “We have to make sure we have a hospital that’s fitting and deserving within our community. Where are they going to put it if we don’t expand the urban boundary?”

Lewis said he also wants to make sure the Town’s rules, regulations and bylaws are “brought into the year 2022,” modernizing processes to eliminate hardships on businesses and residents.

Among his other priorities are: working on climate change initiatives from a local perspective, continuing to advocate for road safety, supporting affordable senior housing opportunities and balanced, managed growth, and increasing the Town’s engagement with clubs and volunteer groups to ensure their sustainability.

With retirements around the council table meaning there will be several new faces elected, Lewis said he thinks it’s crucial for the town to have an experienced person in the mayor chair to ensure council is ready to work with Town staff to get things done.

"Twenty-two years (as a councillor) does mean something in terms of overall value and experience,” he said. “At the end of the day my over-riding desire is to serve my community, and it’s the community I’ve lived in all my life. This is the only town I know, and it’s the town I really care for.”

Lewis was first elected to council in 2000 and is currently serving his fifth term.

Over his 22-year tenure in politics, he has served on the Town’s Finance Committee, Fire Committee, Library Board and Arena Steering Committee, along with Conservation Halton. He’s currently the second vice president of Good Roads (an Ontario-wide organization).

Those who don’t know him as a politician may recognize him from his former career as an NHL referee and referee-in-chief.


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