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LETTER: National media needs to shine more light on the climate crisis

'We worry about the catastrophic future our grandchildren face. We despair when climate and climate action gets so little coverage in national media,' Halton Hills Climate Action says
Halton Hills Climate Action and supporters at one of its rallies in Dominion Gardens Park.

The following letter was sent by Halton Hills Climate Action to CBC executives, with a copy provided to HaltonHillsToday:

Dear Mr. Fenlon:

In May 2023 you received a letter from distinguished CBC personalities David Suzuki, Peter Mansbridge, Adrienne Clarkson and others asking you to treat climate breakdown as an existential threat. The actions you have put in place since then are welcome but are simply not enough.

Most Canadians probably agree now that there’s a climate crisis. But it’s just too easy to ignore the problem when we get so few reminders about what we can do, what others are doing, and that climate breakdown is coming at us like a freight train.

Last week seniors in more than 70 Canadian towns and cities, including ours, hosted climate rallies whose theme was “Later is too late.” Did any major broadcaster or newspaper report on this event? Not that we’re aware. We worry about the catastrophic future our grandchildren face. We despair when climate and climate action gets so little coverage in national media.

We heartily support the ideas presented in the letter by our national broadcasters. In particular:

  • Include a climate clip every day in local and national news on TV and radio. 
  • Provide lots of 'good news' coverage of efforts for climate mitigation and adaptation. There are so many inspiring stories! They give us hope. They help our young people believe they have a future.

Yours respectfully,
Janet Duval
Communications Leader, Halton Hills Climate Action (420 supporters, 28 rallies hosted in five years)