The beach at Prospect Park in Acton has been cleared for swimming.
Based on water samples taken by Halton Region on Aug. 21 and 28, the beach has been declared safe to take a dip.
The Region monitors the water for e.coli counts at 10 popular swimming locations across Halton, including Prospect Park.
As a result of weekly testing, Prospect Park’s beach had been unsafe for swimming for more than a month.
The Region cautions that water quality can change from day to day, or even hour to hour following heavy rains or high winds. Swimming is not recommended for 24-48 hours after heavy rains.
Other factors to consider are the presence of waterfowl and heavy algae growth or accumulation. Blue-green algae accumulation had been reported in Fairy Lake earlier this month. Signs are posted in the park warning anyone swimming in the water to avoid the algae as it can cause skin irritation and nausea.
Swimmers should read signs or notices posted at Halton beaches before going in the water. The Region recommends avoiding swimming if you can't see your feet in waist-deep water.