Local residents can learn more about conservation and biodiversity during Bruce Trail Day festivities on Oct. 2.
There will be displays and refreshments in the Limehouse Memorial Hall, in addition to special hikes as the Bruce Trail Conservancy and its volunteers showcase how they protect and rehabilitate the escarpment lands.
Biodiversity Team members will be on hand to answer questions from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., with hikes starting at 10 a.m.
There will be a focus on properties where years of rehabilitation have helped restore the natural environment, creating and preserving a corridor for the survival of the many species of animals and plants that call the escarpment home.
Visitors will see living proof of nature’s ability to restore itself when given a chance and learn about how they can help.
The Educational Loop hike will travel up the Todd Bardes Side Trail and showcase the work of the biodiversity team, including butterfly watering stations, bluebird boxes and the reintroduction of milkweed to the area.
The hike will be between four and five kilometres long. Those interested can register here.
The Citizen Science hike will be a shorter, small group trek at a slower pace, where hikers can learn how to use their smartphones to contribute to the Bruce Trail Conservancy’s iNaturalist Project. Hike leaders will share their knowledge of the birds, insects and other small creatures the group encounters.
That hike will be limited to 10 people. Registration is available here.
For more information on this event and the work the Bruce Trail Conservancy does, email [email protected].