Youth from across the region seeking a new challenge or adventure need to look no further than their 4-H club.
On Thursday, Jan. 30, the local organization is hosting a sign-up night at the Milton Fairgrounds (136 Robert St.). Director of 4-H’s Halton branch Joanne Hewitson promises a relaxed evening where prospective inductees can shop around for a program that fits.
“It’s very casual,” said Hewitson, adding that hopefuls “can walk around, learn a little bit about the clubs and ask questions.”
The usual roster of clubs – beef, rabbit and photography – as well as recent additions like cooking, bread making and crochet will all be available to explore.
4-H Halton will also be reviving one of its old clubs, Go for the Gold, where club leaders test the knowledge of volunteers in a format similar to a game show. They are given a subject to learn about and then put that knowledge to the test.
The organization's $110 registration fee offers members the flexibility to move from one club to another, or be part of multiple groups at one time.
“They can join one club, they can join six of them depending on their interests and their schedule,” said Hewitson.
She encourages anyone who has questions to email the club at [email protected].
Details about Halton 4-H, including club start dates, are available on its website.