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Get cozy in parks across Halton Hills with Town’s fire pit pop-ups

Upcoming events scheduled for Sundays at parks in Georgetown and Acton
Town staff gather around a fire pit in Dominion Gardens Park.

In keeping with the municipality’s small-town spirit, the Town of Halton Hills is debuting a new series of fire pit pop-ups in local parks.

It's part of the Town's Hey Neighbour program, which aims to foster connections between local residents.

The inaugural fire pit pop-up was held last month in Georgetown's Dominion Garden Park.

Going forward, there will be one held each Sunday until March, with the next one scheduled for this weekend (Jan. 12) from 2 to 4 p.m. in Henry Thomas Shepherd MBE Park, located at 45 Dayfoot Drive, Georgetown.

Locals can park themselves in some bright blue Muskoka chairs around a crackling fire and catch up with neighbours, friends or meet new people. Free hot chocolate, courtesy of the Tim Hortons location on Guelph Street in Georgetown, will also be provided.

"The Town of Halton Hills is committed to supporting stronger neighbourhood connections and is actively working to enhance these bonds through our Hey Neighbour engagement initiatives," says the Town on its website.

"By getting to know and appreciate our neighbours, we cultivate a deeper sense of community and foster a meaningful relationship with the place we call home." 

Check the Town of Halton Hills’ website for upcoming dates and locations.

The Town also reminds residents wishing to have their own fire pit gatherings separate from the pop-ups to go through the permitting process


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