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PET OF THE WEEK: Izzy is a friendly girl who loves her wet food

She was a loving mother to the five kittens she had this summer, says the humane society

HaltonHillsToday, in partnership with the Upper Credit Humane Society, highlights a special pet in need of adoption every week.

Izzy came to Upper Credit from a mass removal of cats that were not in a good environment.

She arrived in mid-May with very bad teeth and dental work was done soon after, which she recovered well from. It was also discovered that Izzy was in the early stages of pregnancy. In mid-August she gave birth to five kittens.

Izzy is a sweet cat who would do well in any environment. She loves her wet food and gets along well with other cats.

Izzy was a good mom and we would see her grooming her kittens often. She has a lot of love to give and is looking forward to having a second chance in a loving and clean home.

Please contact the shelter to learn more about this sweet girl.

If you are interested in the Pet of the Week, call the Upper Credit Humane Society at 519-833-2287 or send an email to [email protected] to learn more about them.