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Robert Gottardi running for mayor once again

Local residents may recognize one of the latest candidate's names from the last municipal election
Robert Gottardie
Mayoral candidate Robert Gottardi.

Previous mayoral candidate Robert Gottardi has his sights set on the top seat at council again.

The retired banker, who also ran in the 2018 municipal election, filed his nomination papers for the mayor seat yesterday (Aug. 15).

He said while COVID has been making him change the way he does things, what he's about has not changed.

“There are inflationary pressures and the economy's different to a certain point. And also, the (pandemic) circumstances we just came out of are completely different,” Gottardi told HaltonHillsToday. “I went around and spoke to many people and they basically told me the same things they were telling me four years ago.”

Tackling the question of taxation is high on the agenda for the mayoral hopeful. He said the public is “tired of being taxed to death” and that, in his opinion, local residents believe nothing is being done by the “council and the outgoing mayor” to provide relief.

He added: “The affordability of this town is becoming unattainable for a lot of its young people and seniors and families.”

He said he understands government to be a “service industry” and noted that he would bring his considerable experience in the financial industry to council if elected.

“There is a responsibility on each and every elected official to oversee that money and how it is spent.”

Increasing the amount of recreational activities available in town for young people is also a priority for the local father.



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