Anita Bergsma, Life Coach, provides one-on-one help for individuals seeking to improve their relationships. This can be a relationship between spouses or partners but most importantly, the relationship with one’s self.
“I speak with individuals and not couples because most feel more open to talk when their partner is not there,” says Bergsma. “Having that freedom allows them to truly dig into their current relationship and evaluate how things are going now or can go down the road.”
It can be complicated.
If a client feels stuck in a relationship, they may not necessarily want to leave it. Sometimes the struggle is in helping a partner motivate themselves to do more around the house. Or, the person receiving life coaching may need help changing their own focus. They may be needing to get out more, reconnect with friends and redefine their role within the relationship.
There are times when a good, hard look at reality is needed.
Bergsma’s unbiased and outside view helps clients identify if abuse is taking place.
“Not everyone recognizes the signs of abuse right away,” says Bergsma. “We are conditioned to believe that hitting and screaming are abuse – and they are – but so are emotional and financial abuse. Gaslighting, demeaning, isolating the partner and inappropriately controlling bank accounts are forms of abuse. The partner does not need to be violent or even outwardly aggressive to be abusive.”
NOTE: Please call 911 or seek immediate help if in danger of sexual or violent abuse and/or are experiencing a mental health crisis of any kind.
Bergsma goes on to note that COVID changed a lot of people’s perspective on relationships. Some have re-evaluated their priorities and are determining if they want to leave or enter a relationship, and how to navigate dating when they have not been able to meet people during the pandemic.
“Relationship life coaching is all about meeting and finding yourself,” concludes Bergsma.
“It’s about helping you identify if you are in (or want to be in) a relationship for the right reasons, if silent/apparent abusive is taking place, if you truly want to be single but feel societal/family expectations or if you need to rediscover your own independence within a committed partnership.”
No matter your relationship status, Bergsma can help. There is no need to try and figure out the complicated structures of relationships without guidance.
Visit her online today to learn more and get started on your journey.