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PET OF THE WEEK: Pink's a precious puppy who loves cuddles

This smart girl catches on to routines beautifully and loves the company of others

HaltonHillsToday, in partnership with the Upper Credit Humane Society (UCHS), highlights a special pet in need of adoption every week.

Pink was surrendered with her siblings as an accidental litter. She was born November 2024 and is looking for a loving home.

Pink is the baby of the group. She loves the company of others and is very sweet and smart!

She is a German Shepherd, Cane Corso, Kangal Shepherd and Great Pyrenees. She is a mix of guardian breeds, so having experience with these breeds would benefit her. If not, we strongly recommend you research these breeds if you're interested in Pink.

She is very willing to work with you and is also very cuddly.

She will need basic training, socializing, the whole nine yards. She is almost house broken and catches on to routine beautifully!  

Pink would be a foster to adopt. She will need to come back for boosters as required and once spayed, the adoption will be finalized.

If you are interested in the Pet of the Week, call the Upper Credit Humane Society at 519-833-2287 or send an email to [email protected] to learn more about them.