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Infant Food Bank now offering support for Acton families in need

Program provides everything from diapers to formula and baby food
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There’s a new resource in town that’s working to meet the needs of families with young children.

The Milton Community Resource Centre’s (MCRC) Infant Food Bank recently expanded its reach to Acton.

This means local parents who are having trouble making ends meet, and have infants and children under 36 months, can access supplies like diapers, formula, baby food and cereal at no cost.

“We know food insecurity is a big challenge for families, and the trickiest part when families with young children and infants access (traditional) food banks is that they can only get what happens to be there,” said Jessica Rankin, director of Early Years Child and Family Services at the MCRC.

“What makes us different is that we’re going and purchasing items (with donations) so when families come, they know they’re going to get the formula they need, they know they’re going to get the baby food and the diapers. This is really unique and really important.”

The initiative is a partnership with the Halton Hills Public Library, Acton branch. This is where the Infant Food Bank facilitator is available on Tuesday mornings to meet with families, complete intake appointments and provide them with supplies once a month.

“It’s not only a connection for families to get food and infant supplies, but it’s also a chance for them to connect with the food bank facilitator, who can recommend other programs as well," said Rankin.

“It’s another resource for families when they have questions, and a warm face when they come to pick up their things.”

With the Infant Food Bank well-established and thriving in Milton, the MCRC felt it was the right time to reach out and help another community with the program.

Through conversations with families, Rankin said they learned that Acton doesn’t have a lot of specialized supports for infants and children under three.

“It’s a small community, but the need is high,” she noted.

Acton parents can now book an intake appointment through the MCRC website. Once they’re set up, they can place a monthly order for supplies and schedule a pickup date and time at the local library.