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Mrs. Georgetown taking message on women’s burnout to national stage

After burnout almost ended her life, Jenna Hart is now looking to help others as she seeks the title of Mrs. Canada at an upcoming pageant
Jenna Hart has been crowned Mrs. Georgetown United World 2023 and is now seeking the Canadian title.

It’s a condition that can take a person to the brink of ruin, but one that’s rarely talked about.

And Jenna Hart is hoping to change that.

The local resident is preparing her platform on the profound impacts burnout is having on women in anticipation of the National United World Pageant in the spring, where she will represent the local community.

She has already been crowned Mrs. Georgetown United World 2023 and is now striving to bring home the title of Mrs. Canada.

“We are living in a society of women being burned out and not talking about it,” she said. “The World Health Organization has actually declared burnout a workplace illness. There needs to be a lot more awareness, education and resources  available for people with burnout.”

And Hart should know. She personally experienced burnout in 2019, and it almost ended her life.

At that time, she was holding down a very busy and successful sales and marketing career, living off caffeine, wine and fast food. But things began to take a downward turn in May 2019.

“I started to depersonalize from my life and cause silly fights between myself and girlfriends,” she recalled. “By July, my husband and I had separated. By September, I had lost my dream job. By October, I had disconnected from all my girlfriends. By November, I tried to take my own life.

“Burnout is an important topic for me because it happens very quickly. It just picks away at your life. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or the CEO of a company, this can affect you. The pageant is an opportunity for me to really get my message out there about burnout and help as many women as possible.”

With this being the local mother’s first pageant experience, she admits it’s out of her comfort zone, but one she’s excited to pursue in her quest to help others.

The event in May will see Hart - who’s also a master coach, author and public speaker - come together with women from across the country in London, Ont. as she vies for the Mrs. Canada crown.

 Allison Clark Photography

While there will be some pageant traditions, like an evening gown competition, she emphasized that the pageant is different from others in that it’s not a beauty competition.

“This is about grace and confidence and how you present yourself. It’s really about who you are,” she said. “It’s women coming together to better our communities on a whole.”

Thirty per cent of Hart’s mark will be based on her platform and how well she presents it in an interview.

In the lead up to the pageant, Hart has been busy giving back to the community in a variety of ways as Mrs. Georgetown and is planning speaking events for 2023 on mindset and burnout. She’s also striving to raise $10,000, which she will divide evenly between the Georgetown Hospital Foundation and Canadian Mental Health Association.

“I really wanted to give back to the hospital that was there for me in my times of need,” said Hart.

If she wins in London, she will advance to the United World competition in Texas.

While Hart joined the pageant to bring her platform to the forefront, she said the experience is also helping with her personal growth and healing journey.

So what should someone do if they feel like they’re on the path to burnout?

First, Hart recommends finding a trusted person to speak with, whether it’s a family member, friend, counsellor or colleague.

“You have to say, ‘I’m burning out and I need help’ because you have to stop the snowball effect it will have in your life,” she said.

Then, she said it’s important to take the necessary time for yourself to heal, which could mean taking time off work.

“It’s not Sunday bubble baths and 15-minute meditations that are going to fix burnout,” she said. “Stop using the excuse that you’re too busy. Busy is not a word in my vocabulary anymore because if I start saying I’m too busy, I realize my priorities aren’t in line.”

Hart also emphasized the importance of taking care of your body, which will contribute to your mental health in a positive way.

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Melanie Hennessey

About the Author: Melanie Hennessey

Melanie Hennessey serves as the editor for HaltonHillsToday. She has lived in Halton Hills for almost two decades and has spent the past several years covering the community as a journalist.
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