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PET OF THE WEEK: Sam the husky is a lovable, high-energy guy

Sam would do best in a home where his energy can be used and his mind stimulated

HaltonHillsToday, in partnership with the Upper Credit Humane Society, highlights a special pet in need of adoption every week.

Sam was surrendered at just under a year old. His owners didn't understand how different a husky is compared to most other breeds. Without a structured routine and experienced training, huskies like Sam become a handful and inexperienced people give up on them. They are very smart and need guidance and time to flourish. 

A shelter life is very difficult for any dog and particularly for huskies. Sam would do best in a fur-ever home where his energy can be used and his mind stimulated. The shelter staff are doing their best by practicing basic obedience and leash skills while trying to work his mind, but he needs a home environment.  

Sam is a very lovable and sweet boy looking to get into an equally loving home. 

His hobbies include playing with a flirt-pole, jogging/hiking, playing tug, soccer and chasing butterflies around the yard. Sam also enjoyed playing in the water in the kiddie pool here at the shelter this past summer.

Sam would thrive in the proper environment! Basic obedience, manners training and some dog socialization would allow him to release his energy and focus his very intelligent mind on positive lifestyle skills. 

Sam's potential is huge and if given the chance, with proper and professional training, he would make a wonderful life-long companion.

Don't forget that fully-fenced yard with the kiddie pool!

If you are interested in the Pet of the Week, call the Upper Credit Humane Society at 519-833-2287 or send an email to [email protected] to learn more about them.



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