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Crime Stoppers of Halton: Take the fear out of Halloween fun

Here's some tips from your local Crime Stoppers about how to keep everyone safe while trick-or-treating
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The leaves are changing colour, pumpkin spice is back on the menu and one of our favourite times of year is upon us: Halloween!

Children and adults alike enjoy partaking in many celebrations around October 31. From costume parties to dress-up days at school, everyone has fun putting on their favourite face paint and getting out their spooky decorations.

With all the festivities, it is important to keep Halloween safety a priority. We at Crime Stoppers of Halton Region want to share a few reminders and safety tips to ensure all of you and your little ones stay safe on and around Halloween.

While trick-or-treating with children:

  • Ensure that costumes fit well. Extra long or baggy costumes can pose a tripping hazard.
  • Pick brightly coloured costumes that can easily be seen by motorists. If the costume is dark, add some reflective tape to increase visibility or make sure the child has a flashlight.
  • If possible, use face paint instead of masks as they make seeing easier for the child. If a mask is a must, ensure that it's well-fitted, and the child can see their surroundings easily.
  • Look at the potential weather ahead of time. If it will be cooler or wet weather, try to pick a costume that can fit over a light jacket or raincoat, as needed.crime-stoppers-of-halton-logo
  • Teach your children to only approach homes that have their outdoor lights on or that have lit decorations. Homes with the lights off are likely not participating in trick-or-treating so these should be avoided.
  • Always remind your little ones to never enter a home while trick-or-treating. Parents, stay close by to monitor the interactions with homeowners when possible.
  • Make road safety a priority when discussing your child’s trick-or-treat plan for the evening. Everyone should remember to only cross at corners or cross walks and never step out from between parked cars, no matter how exciting the house across the road looks!
  • Finally, after a long night of trick-or-treating, make sure your children know to let you have a look over of their loot before diving into the candy they acquired. Anything opened or that looks tampered with should be promptly discarded.

Tips for adults on Halloween:

  • If you are decorating for Halloween, remember that open flames and candles are a fire hazard. Make sure that candles and jack-o-lanterns are placed far away from curtains or other flammable materials.
  • If you are planning a pumpkin carving party with children, allow the children to use a marker or pen to draw out the design and, depending on age, suggest the responsible adult do the carving.
  • If you are hosting a Halloween party, make sure that everyone parties responsibly. If you are attending a party, make sure to plan ahead. Arrange for a rideshare, taxi, public transit, designated driver or to spend the night. NEVER DRIVE IMPAIRED!

Most importantly, we wish you all a fun and exciting Halloween night. Happy Halloween from your friends at Crime Stoppers of Halton.

Karen Rowley is on the Crime Stoppers of Halton Board of Directors and is the chair of MADD Halton.


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