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Rotary Club gives big for Acton Town Hall Centre restoration

The local group has donated $10,000 to Heritage Acton’s capital campaign
(From left) Dan Rochester of the Acton Rotary Club, club president Rob Vandervecht, Heritage Acton chair Lloyd McIntyre and vice chair Larry Lichty.

The Rotary Club of Acton is helping ensure a local landmark is preserved for years to come.

The group has donated $10,000 to Heritage Acton’s capital campaign, which is used to support the restoration of the Acton Town Hall Centre.

The club also welcomed several new members at its most recent meeting.

(From left) Rotary Club of Acton president Rob Vandervecht with new members Deanna Wilson, Cathy Hartley, Lourdes Jones, Steven Jones and Shirley King. Supplied photo




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